Like a lot of home decor lovers, I have been pouring (& swooning) over the IKEA 2019 catalog. It’s a great one! There’s some new items, some that I already own & love, updates to items that have been around a long time, & new options for old favorites.
I’ve made a trip to my Houston store since the new catalog came out, and everything I loved in catalog is just as good in person.
Here’s a list of the best of the best. My favorite finds from the IKEA 2019 catalog…
My all time favorite item ever… so far is this Stockholm Sofa. This sofa is SO good. It can be styled so many different ways AND the cover can be removed for dry cleaning.
We have this sofa in red our kid’s media room & I can tell you that it is SO super comfy. And durable. I have walked in to find kids buried under pillows, sitting on the arms, even standing or jumping off it – which we don’t “allow” but it’s great to know they don’t seem able to destroy it!
This sofa has now been moved into our family room and also now has interchangeable covers!

While we’re talking sofas, I am really loving the lines of this FÄRLÖV sofa! And yes, I love it in dark gray. It’s like a nicely tailored suit or LBD – it goes with everything!
The IKEA STRANDMON Wing Chair. We have 1 of these in gray. When we got it, there weren’t any other color options – I would have snagged either of these – but we loved the updated modern look. Who knew that IKEA actually debuted this chair over 60 years ago?!

LACK is actually an old favorite – I like to use them in kid’s spaces where they will likely be outgrown well before they wear out – we’ve had a couple in our kid’s media room. But these new LACK Nesting Tables are slick enough to use in adult spaces too.

Here’s another piece we’ve had for years. The LIATORP Sideboard. We initially got them because they fit perfectly in the 2 niches flanking our fireplace in our previous home. Now 1 lives in my office for storage & an extra work surface. And the other is in the kid’s media room as a TV console with storage.
Just like the STRANDMON chair, IKEA has introduced new amazing colors. There was only white when we got ours, but we love them just the same.
Let’s talk accessories!! The fun stuff. I’m loving this KANELSTÅNG plant stand. It can be used “petal” side up or down. I love it as a plant stand or basket, but I’d even use it as a small side table (“petal” side up) or as a basket to store blankies, pillows, even toys. I think it could indoors or on a covered porch or patio. What’s not to love?!
I love large scale art. BJÖRKSTA is a new series & it’s really great because you can get just the canvas art or customize it with a BJÖRKSTA frame. Art this size at this price point is hard to pass up, you just can’t beat it!
This STOCKHOLM table lamp (& it’s matching floor lamp) are so sleek & low profile. I love the modern contemporary look.
Y’all already know how I feel about hooks – I’ve always had a “thing” for hooks! And IKEA never disappoints with so many options that are everything from utilitarian to kitschy & everything in between. When I saw these FJANTIG hooks I had to have them! How cute are they.
And yes it IS a little corny to hang extra chairs on actual chair shaped hooks, but we like it. And it definitely gets people’s attention!

This is just a tiny bit of what IKEA has in store. I didn’t even get to all the kitchen essentials, storage options, textiles, or holiday goodies!
IKEA ain’t just for college kids & throwaway furniture anymore! They’ve got some really great options for long term, sustainable living. If you turned your nose up at them before, you HAVE to take a new look at what they have in store!
And as always, if you like this blog pin it, share it & let me know what you think of these picks in the comments!