Hey friends & neighbors! It’s that time of year to start planning a fall garden. Except that in zone 9a, we don’t have what most folks would call “Fall”.
Our seasons are just different here. {And so is the sun, but that’s another story for another day.} Our special seasons can be a good thing though. Case in point…
Right now, we can grow a second round of warm weather veggies that would normally be out of season in other zones. At the same time, we can start our cool season veggies.
YES, at the Same. Damn. Time!
How’s that for special?! I’ll take it!
I’ve only had my garden for 3 years. At first I did some research but was mostly just winging it. Since then I’ve started a garden journal & I’ve learned A LOT in that time. But there is still so much more to learn.
Planning a Fall Garden in Zone 9a
Let’s learn & grow together!
I put together a little video that I shared on IGTV but wanted to share with you too! I’m not actually IN the garden on this one, I’m doing some plotting & planning for my fall garden so I can better prepared.
I’m also talking about some of the tips that I either didn’t use in the past or that didn’t work well for me that I’m gonna give a try this year! Check it out & let me know what you think!
Or catch it over on IGTV
You can also save it to watch later!