Hi again friends & neighbors. Back with a word from my cousin, The Chaplain. Today & everyday, we’re acknowledging that the best place to be is exactly where we are.

He shares words of wisdom & little nuggets with me regularly and sometimes his words really resonate with me & my beliefs.

This is one of those nuggets. I hope it speaks to you & your wellness as much as it does to me!

The best place to be is exactly where we are

Today let’s consider that we have earned the right to be exactly where we are.

Whatever the situation, circumstances, predicament or challenges that face us at this very moment, we have earned the divine right to be where we are.

We have earned the right to go through what we are gong through based on the way we got through, got over, went around or handled a similar situation. We learned something then that we can surely use now.

We have already demonstrated our ability to get up. We have clearly exhibited our desire to get over. We have made it perfectly clear that we can handle the rough times and hard stuff as we navigated through the tight places.

The best place to be is exactly where we are.

Let’s {also} acknowledge that we don’t have to prove anything to anyone. Not even to ourselves. A subconscious desire to prove ourselves many be hiding at the root of our fears, the root of our tension, the root of our need to do and be more.

Accompanying it can be a burning belief that we aren’t good enough, that we need to compensate for some deficiency in ourselves in order to take our place on this planet. We may feel like we have to earn our place, earn our right to be here. Like we’re being watched and judged, graded. We don’t have to prove anything to anyone.

We’re fine just the way we are. We have energy, vitality. We have particular gifts and talents. We have been learning our lessons just right in our lives. This Monday, let’s let go of the need to prove ourselves to other, to parents, people from the past, people in our life today. Then, let’s step right up and take our place in the universe!

With all that we have been through, have been challenged by, have confronted and have overcome, we have earned the right to live with this, make it through this, overcome this and benefit from the divine opportunity that now stands before us!

God bless!

~~Chaplain Roger Ward
The best place to be is exactly where we are.  Loving home.




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