For the last few years, I had problems finding and sticking to a skin care regime that worked well for me.  I was breaking out quite a lot IMO, they would last way too long and leave those nasty dark acne marks (mainly because I could not leave them alone and picked like crazy).  I know it was stress related and not wasn’t adult acne, but I still craved – no I NEEDED help.  When I was just at my wits end with it, I went to a dermatologist.  She checked me out, gave me a prescription, and told me what I already knew I needed to do – RELEASE THE STRESS!  Really?  I mean really?

So the easy part of the derm’s diagnosis was the prescription.  Done.  But who wants to have to do that everyday, twice a day, for the rest of their life (or however long it takes)?  And since most topical products are only “guaranteed” for as long as you keep using them, what exactly is the point?

Then it hit me….
Over the years I tried lots of different things on my natural (loose and loc’ed) hair until I found what worked for me.  Same goes for household cleaning.  In both cases, the simplest solutions were and still are the best solutions.  Shouldn’t the same principle apply to my skin?!  WOW, talk about an AHA moment!  How exciting!

So now, just as I have simplified my cleaning products, I have TOTALLY simplified my skincare products.  In fact, it’s as simple as black and white – literally.


I wash with black soap, moisturize with (white) coconut oil (both derm endorsed), and use Jamaican black castor oil overnight when I need a little extra moisture.  And wonder of wonders…. these same items can be used on my locs.  In fact, I already kept coconut on hand for exactly that reason – I would mix or alternate use with EVOO for my hair.

The black soap and black castor oil were new – I’d used the former before, but it was not a staple of mine.  And I never even considered the JBCO since I’d always known it to aid in hair growth and I didn’t have any need for that.  But I wouldn’t complain about more hair – it would just mean more haircuts.  Shruggs.

Well my skin looks and feels great compared to the condition it was in the last few years.  I still use the prescription from the derm, but not twice or even once a day…. more like when I think to remember to use it.
And of course it feels GREAT to not be tempted to try out a million creams and serums with who knows what ingredients and at the sacrifice of my bank account.  Fast forward about 6 months and I have bought NOT 1 OTC product for use on my skin – no cleanser, toner, moisturizer, makeup of any kind.  YAY for keeping it simple and au naturel!




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