You have a gorgeous home.  I mean every room is really very nice.

You’ve got a beautiful Boho bedroom.

An African inspired living room.

A traditional formal dining room with statement art.

A modern farmhouse kitchen complete with marble counters, waterfall island, subway tile, contrasting hardware, & the latest top of the line appliances – you even have that fridge that you can see inside with the door closed & will even answer your front door.

A hallway with an amazing gallery wall.

And bathrooms with bold wallpaper & custom fixtures.

Your Instagram feed is incredible!

Your Pinterest is poppin’!

What’s not to love?!  EVERYone loves it!

But you don’t love it.  You can’t put your finger on it but there’s just something not. Quite. Right.

here’s why you don’t completely love your home & what you can do about it

here's why you don’t completely love your home & what you can do about it

I think I see the problem.  I just gave you a clue. Here’s another…

You have a beautiful home that follows all the latest trends & ticks all the boxes.  2 things about that:

    1. It’s not YOUR home, it’s “everyone’s” home.
    2. It’s not cohesive.  It might even feel a little chaotic sometimes.

Great news… it’s fixable – mostly.  All decorating & design mistakes are fixable – some just cost more than others.

Start with this list of my best tips:

here’s why you don’t completely love your home & what you can do about it

    1. Be honest about how you use your home.  What good is a space that doesn’t actually work for your lifestyle or that you don’t even want to be in?  None.
    2. Be honest about what YOU like.  And know that you don’t have to like what any or everyone else does.
    3. Embrace what you have. Chances are you have items in your home that you truly love – art, family heirlooms, a pillow or throw.  Take a look around & let what you love guide your design direction.  For example:
        1. If you find yourself drawn to color, then consider a 2 tone kitchen remodel instead of the ever popular all white everything.
        2. If you really do love your Boho bedroom, consider patterned tile for your bathroom floor or kitchen backsplash.  Or try bringing some of that flair into the family room with pillows & throws.

    4. Trust yourself & your own personal style.  You wouldn’t get the exact same haircut as someone with a totally different face shape, would you? Nor would you buy those expensive jeans that look great on so & so who’s booty is twice as… ahem… round as yours (not that I know anything about that).  So why make your home a carbon copy of someone else’s.  Make home yours – happy home happy life.
    5. Realize & accept that things don’t have to be insta-perfect.  They’re not… so just give real life a try.  You’ll feel better, more comfortable, & most of all happy at home.  Plus I’m sure your insta-friends will still love your feed.  😉

My last & probably most important tip is…

here’s why you don’t completely love your home & what you can do about it

Clear all negativity from every single space in your home. Every source of negative energy should be removed & your home & body cleansed on a regular basis.

How you do this can be a very personal choice but however you choose it is guaranteed to make a difference in your sanctuary. I started burning sage in our home a little over a year ago when my anxiety hit (what at the time was) an all time high.

here's why you don’t completely love your home & what you can do about it - Cleanse your home regularly.  Burn sage, dried bay leaves, or incense.
Cleanse your home regularly. Burn sage, dried bay leaves, or incense.

Since I’d been on this holistic journey toward living a green life, it seemed like a natural progression. AND IT WORKS wonders for clearing negative energy. We now burn sage (& incense) frequently, but especially:

    1. After having company & (small) parties.  Not because the people are negative, but just to sort of “reset” things at home.
    2. But sometimes there are visitors who do have negative energy, though it may not be intentional & they may not know it.  So we absolutely cleanse after those visits.
    3. And then there are those that ARE intentionally negative.  Remove, release, cleanse.
    4. Anytime there are difficult discussions, arguments, hostility, or unresolved issues.
    5. Anytime really.  Unless you have allergies or asthma, it really is an uplifting ritual & smell to pray (or chant) over your home for cleansing.

I always say design is a journey not a destination. Even as a professional decorator, I change things up at home until I find what works. It seems so much easier to figure it out for you. {Hmmm… Maybe I should ask myself the same questions I ask clients during our consultations.}

why you don’t completely love your home & what you can do about it

Anyway, now that you know why you don’t totally & completely love your home, AND what you can do to fix it… what WILL you do?

Share your thoughts in the comments & let’s talk about it.

Here's why you don't completely love your home & how to fix it




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