Everyone is going through something or knows someone who is.

There are the physical issues that we can easily see such as broken or missing limbs.  Then there are the physical issues that we can’t see but can clearly see the affect on someone’s daily life – my grandmother has developed arthritis after 90 years & it has surely slowed her down a little.  Beyond the physical is the mental & believe it or not, that affects the physical more than you may know.

Whether it’s personal, physical, emotional, or mental, there is something you can do.

May is Mental Health Awareness Month.

You – WE – can be aware, be supportive (it’s easier than you think), take the pledge & spread the word.

Do you know the face of mental illness?  Do you think there is “a face” of mental illness? Would you know what to say or do if you did recognize it?

Did you know that 1 in 5 people experiences mental illness, including children?

Did you know that people with a mental disease almost always encounter rejection, bullying, and discrimination – especially children?

Did you know that more than any physical ailment, mental illness accounts for more disability in the US?  AND, by way of suicide, it is the 2nd leading cause of death in our young people?  #2!  And the 10th leading cause for everyone else?


Into Mental Health

As if it isn’t enough to struggle with mental illness, most sufferers don’t feel comfortable talking to their friends and family about what they’re dealing with. The stigma is real – it causes loneliness & withdrawal, and prevents so many people from seeking the help they need.  Especially in minority communities where strength is a virtue we are all expected to have under all circumstances.

And yes, minorities have a month dedicated to the unique challenges that our community faces with mental illness.

[clickToTweet tweet=”Just like we offer to help sick friends & family, we can do the same for those with mental illness. #IntoMentalHealth” quote=”Just as we would offer to help a hospitalized or recovering friend or family member, we can do the same for those around us dealing with mental illness.”]

You can’t see cancer, but we all surely support awareness and support anyone we know, hear about, or knows someone who knows someone with cancer.

You can’t see heart disease or diabetes, but we help our loved ones to live healthy lifestyles & make good choices.

You can see broken limbs, and we help our friends, family, neighbors, & total strangers navigate their world without a 2nd thought.  It comes naturally.

So it goes with mental health.  You can’t see mental illness, but we can all support awareness.  Even caregivers need support.

[clickToTweet tweet=”No one should ever feel ashamed because they have a mental illness, nor should their loved ones. #IntoMentalHealth” quote=”No one should ever feel ashamed because they have a disease, nor should their loved ones.”]

No one should ever feel ashamed because they have a disease, nor should their loved ones.  Reach out, knowing that sometimes what you can’t see can be more life threatening that what you can.

*Note:  Visit Nami.org to learn more about how mental illness affects us all, either directly (as sufferers, caregivers, & loved ones) or indirectly (as taxpayers & bystanders).  Statistics have been gathered by Nami.org.




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