I’ve got my signature cake and now I think I’ve got my signature cookie…. Here they are in their simplest form – chewy sugar cookies. These are much easier than my oatmeal cookies but just as addictive. The difference is I can “embellish” these however I want.

How do I know these are so yummy? 2 things:
- this pile of cookies was 3 times as high yesterday, and
- Grandmother wrapped about 10 of them in a paper napkin to take home with her last night.
If Grandmother’s picky tail liked them enough to WRAP in a napkin AND she didn’t make them, TRUST that they must be good. 😉
I also caught the “baby” trying to sneak a couple into his big brother’s room this morning before preschool. He didn’t seem to care that I caught him and sent him marching straight to the kitchen table; he was just happy I let him eat those 2 “stolen” cookies with breakfast!