A Builder Basic Kitchen Goes Semi-Custom
Happy 2018 y’all! I am excited about what this year has in store. After spending most of 2017 out on IR with a broken foot, I finally got the go ahead to kick off my boot & start living life…
Happy 2018 y’all! I am excited about what this year has in store. After spending most of 2017 out on IR with a broken foot, I finally got the go ahead to kick off my boot & start living life…
Following up on my Living Room Layout Guide I wanted to show you a practical way to create a beautiful sustainable living room. There are 3 things I always hear when it comes to sourcing an eco-friendly home: 1. It’s…
Do you ever think “I’d go green if it weren’t so expensive”? If you are a home cook, you may even think the only way to be sustainable in the kitchen is through your food choices. Think again, my friend!…
I’ve been getting this question a lot lately. “What is Green Interior Design? What do you mean by “Sustainable Design”?” I don’t think people are asking for a technical definition of green design – they can google that. I…
Use these 2 green cleaning recipes for everything in your home and save time and money. You’ll never go back spending a mint on the chemical + water concoctions. Super Duty Cleanser (suitable for everything except wood; wood and alcohol…