In a women’s forum I attend, we recently talked about how people will question everything you do – from your choices in fashion to your family to your career.
One of the ladies mentioned that someone had recently asked her why she chose her profession, why she didn’t want to do something else that paid more or was less stressful.
Her answer was “it’s what I was called to do at this stage of my life.”
What an amazingly simple & accurate answer.
This world we live in is so competitive & full of comparisons that it was good to know other people believe that we all have our “place”, so to speak.
It seems to me that once we accept our God given abilities, our natural talents can come out. We can live fully in the now & feel great about what we have to offer the world, regardless of who understands it or why.
[bctt tweet=”God has given each of you a gift from His great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another. {1 Peter 4:10}” username=”xbydesign”]Good morning friends. Let’s consider that each day we hope for accomplishment and satisfaction, and we’ll achieve these when we scale our hopes to our real capacities.
There’s no more satisfying feeling than finishing a project we’ve set up ourselves, tailored to our abilities, & worked at with patience and care. Our lives can be filled with such successes.
Learning to live means learning to keep ourselves in the present. This day is all we really have to work with. Of course today will be influenced by what has already happened; and its influence will extend to tomorrow, next week, and beyond.
But all we can make or do lies here, within this window of space and time. Today, may our supper be contentment. And tomorrow, may we breakfast on hope again. Countless blessings and much love!
~~Chaplain Roger Ward
Everyone has a gift & to be able to use our gifts to give back to others is a true blessing. My gift… other than food (I will cook or taste-test, whatever you need) is the ability to plan & decorate homes & offices because everyone truly does deserve a place they love to come home to.
What is your gift? How can you use your abilities to give back & help others?