Every year we all start talking about getting & keeping our lives organized.  Kitchens, offices, closets; using planners for the family’s activities, the garden, chores… you name it!  Am I right or is that just me?

Nothing much has changed about that except… this year I’m making a point to declutter my digital life too. 

Getting rid of these 7 things will help you (and me) declutter your digital life for a more abundant 2021.

  1. Old emails & subscriptions. If you’re like me, you may have signed up for email updates from some of your favorite sites. If you actually open them & visit, it’s all good. But if you can’t remember the last time you did, unsubscribe & visit whenever you’d like.
  2. Apps I used once or never.
  3. Anything I don’t need that might be slowing down my systems. If I don’t use it daily or at least a few times a week, I probably don’t need it.
  4. For the website & blog – Unnecessary plugins & themes I’ll never use (again).
  5. Digital tools people suggested/recommended that just don’t work for me. Doesn’t matter how great they work for someone else if it doesn’t serve you well, get rid of it & look for something else.
  6. Apps the kids installed before they had their own devices (or when they left theirs behind).
  7. Anything that doesn’t truly help or bring joy to real life.

BONUS: This is a hard one… Old photos. We all have them – some we needed to edit, some we just couldn’t decide what to do with, some we just plain forgot about. Take the plunge & ditch them. At the very least, get them off your phone & backup to the cloud. When you delete them you’ll typically have 30 days before they’ll permanently deleted. If you haven’t even looked at them by then, they should GO!

EXTRA BONUS: People that don’t “grow in your zone” (quote via leadfarmer73 at https://youtu.be/WKylpHIgVs4?t=30m9s). This is a HUGE one! We should all really do this on a regular basis anyway – both in real life and online. In fact, I starting the process on Instagram about a month ago. It’s slow going but so very freeing.

I’ve been purging things around the house & now I’m ready to do the same to my digital life! This takes me much more time to do because sometimes I feel torn getting rid of things.  But taking the same approach I do in our home makes things so much easier.

I hope these tips help you to do the same.

Until then… Enjoy!




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