Well y’all we got through week 1 of the One Room Challenge without a hitch! I thought there would be a few more hiccups because it was a last minute decision but NO! The “storage” room is completely cleared out to make way for “The Teacher’s Lounge”.

Now it’s time to make the space work… literally! We’re turning a 107 square foot bedroom into the most multifunctional small space I’ve ever designed. It has to include 3 big functions – home office, library, & most importantly, prayer room.

All on a budget I hope I can stick to! I love a good challenge!

As mentioned last week, this is a project I am taking on for my cousin in appreciation of her life as a teacher.

While she spent the week clearing out the room, I had to come up with a plan. Sometimes this phase is easy – like when a person knows what they want & it sounds pretty good already or when I have full creative control.

She knows what purpose her new room is for & thankfully, she fully trusts me so guess what… I have full creative control!!! YAY!

Since this small space has to do so much, the first thing to do is map things out & come up with a plan. A floor plan!

Planning Out A Multifunctional Small Space

First things first… Priorities. I mentioned before that this mutlifunctional space has to serve 3 purposes:

  1. Prayer Room
  2. Library
  3. Home Office

In. That. Order. No exceptions.

In my head that means the office needs to work well but blend in. Luckily there is a long closet that we can take advantage of. It’ll add a little square footage where we can keep the office tucked away but totally accessible.

That’s for the teacher.

As for the library, we need storage. LOTS of storage. LOTS of pretty storage for all those books + room to expand. And she’s got to read them all somewhere.

Enter the Lounge.

Get it? The “Teacher’s Lounge”. 😁

And the most important of all… the prayer room. Meditation, reflection, & prayer space is very personal. My cousin had already mentioned a few things & she also has some meaningful pieces in the room that gave me an idea on decor direction. Those combined with principles of Feng Shui & Pher Ankh helped me come up with a plan.

multifunctional small space floor plan & layout

Now that we have an approved plan, it’s time to start shopping & get to work!

Since we’re still social distancing & lots of shops & businesses are closed, this is going to get interesting. Stay tuned….

And don’t forget to go check out all the ORC Spring 2020 featured designers & guest participants. I’m watching to see how creative they get with limited resources during COVID-19 too!




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