How To Adapt A Light Kit To Use With A Spider Shade
Like most folks, life has changed a lot in our home. I have my home office but now I’ve had to add 2 more office spaces for our youngest who is in virtual school since March & for my Mr….
Like most folks, life has changed a lot in our home. I have my home office but now I’ve had to add 2 more office spaces for our youngest who is in virtual school since March & for my Mr….
After we extended our patio in 2017 we realized that we had everything EXCEPT a {semi-}permanent home for the grill. After a lot of brainstorming & planning, we decided to make a grill landing pad. We didn’t want a patio…
Last week I was supposed to work on the the all important DIY no-sew upholstery project for the my cousin’s loveseat. Naturally, it just wouldn’t have been right if there were no issues AT ALL with that process. All I…
This week was supposed to be about outfitting the “office” area of the Teacher’s Lounge & the all important upholstery project for the 1 thing my cousin specifically requested in the room – the loveseat. Well friends… I am officially…
I have an exciting update this week (week 6… I think… because who knows what day or week it is anymore) for the One Room Challenge! It’s PAINT! And it’s a new line – Sherwin-Williams Emerald Designer Edition! In case…
Hi & welcome back! It may seem like there’s been little to no movement on my One Room Challenge space but trust me there’s lots going on behind the scenes. Planning, shopping, planning, planning & planning. Because of the multiple…
For the last year or so, I have had a few rooms in my home that needed help. Lots of help. One of them is the laundry room & we are finally tackling it with the help of Photowall wallpaper!!…
Well y’all we got through week 1 of the One Room Challenge without a hitch! I thought there would be a few more hiccups because it was a last minute decision but NO! The “storage” room is completely cleared out…
Hi there friends & neighbors! I have a fun project to share! Sage is growing out of control in our garden so I’m using some to show you how to make smudge sticks from fresh sage! Since my family &…
Hi Y’all! Guess who decided (last minute) to join the One Room Challenge as a guest participant for the first time in 3 years?! ME that’s who! And I’m doing something a little different – we’re calling it The Teacher’s…